About The Author
About The Book
“A Neurologist’s Daring Escape From The Steel Cage Of Religion” is the culmination of at least 60 years of witnessing the contradictions, hypocrisies, ironies, and paradoxes that plague the practice of the Catholic religion. There is no conflict of interest to disclose relevant to this work. It is not a malicious attack on religion. The intended audience includes the following: freethinkers, agnostics, atheists, neuroscientists, UFO and extraterrestrial enthusiasts, medical professionals, historians, and various ethnic groups, particularly Filipino-Americans and Filipino-Canadians living in major cities (LA, SF, SD, Chicago, NYC, and Toronto), Some religious people may find the book an eye-opener, and some may find it agitating, informative and entertaining. I am confident that the readers of this book will be able to expand their knowledge about religion and/or belief in that supernatural being from a different angle and perspective.